Awareness and Conflict: rethinking the role of the educator in times of fake news
Samuel Penteado Urban  1, *@  , Celso Sanchez  2, *@  
1 : Professor at State University of Rio Grande do Norte
2 : Professor at Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
* : Autor correspondiente

In recent years, linked to the colorful revolutions and the coup that occurred in the Brazilian context, the online hate speech materialized through fake news stands out. As a concrete result, Brazil has been approaching neo-fascism and authoritarianism, aiming to form passive and docile beings. Along with this entire setback, it is essential to rethink the role of education and, above all, the practice of the educator. In this sense, it is imperative to point the need for a direct character of the act of educating because educating is a political act. However, this orientation should not be confused with manipulation, because the direction pointed by the educator is born in the dialogue between the educator and student. Educating can mean fighting against inculcation and the legitimation of power represented by para-school devices, including here, the dissemination of false information that is the fake news. Thus, there is the Pedagogy of Conflict where the educator regains his/her education and eminently critical role: he/she adds the contradiction awareness to the contradiction (e.g., oppressor-oppressed), mold unsubmissive and disobedient people, capable of assuming their authority and participating in building a more free society (Gadotti, 2005). Finally, this proposal aims to present and discuss the obscurantism carried out through fake news and, thus, rethink the role of the educator in the sense of awareness introduced by Paulo Freire and using the Pedagogy of Conflict proposed by Moacir Gadotti, since the social and political context of Brazil highlights the need to rethink education. Methodologically, a bibliographic review about the Pedagogy of Conflict (Gadotti, 2005) and the awareness (Freire, 1996, 1997, 2010) as well as our researches and professors' experiences at the State University of Rio Grande do Norte and Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro served as a basis for this proposal.

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