The Paulo Freire's Pedagogy in East Timor: from past to current days
Samuel Penteado Urban  1, *@  
1 : Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte
* : Autor correspondiente

East Timor's current educational context is the result of historical processes, in which the main agents stand out: Portugal during the period of the Great Navigations and Imperialism; Indonesia during the period of the Cold War. Throughout this period, there was a practice of a banking education model that aimed at domination. However, the Timorese education was one of the weapons for Timor to achieve independence in 1975 and the restoration of independence in 2002. In these contexts, Paulo Freire had a great influence in the Popular Education process through the Front of Independent East Timor (FRETILIN). This educational process, entitled Maubere Pedagogy, linked to political awareness was based on the daily knowledge of the learners themselves and teaching context (struggle needs). It was used the Generative Themes and People's Cultural Practices as part of a resistance against invaders. Currently, the popular education in East Timor aims no longer on the conflict for national liberation (restored in 2002) but focuses on the struggle for land linked to an eco-solidarity production. The materialization of this education occurs through the Fulidaidai-Slulu Institute of Economics (IEFS). This Institute has a historical influence from Maubere Pedagogy and, consequently, the impact of the educator Paulo Freire through the investigative practice related to the struggle for the emancipation/liberation of Timorese people (Maubere people): ukun rasik an. It is observed that this educational process is related to contextualized knowledge of Timor-Leste, especially regarding peasants, representing one of the moments of Popular Education in the country. Thus, the present text derives from researches and experiences on education in East Timor carried out by the author and aims to externalize the influence of the educator Paulo Freire in the realization of popular education in East Timor, focusing on the Maubere and Fulidaidai-Slulu pedagogies. More specifically, the present research aims to present a historical application of the terms of Freirean pedagogy (FREIRE, 1967, 1977, 1997, 2010) in the East Timor, as part of an epistemological resistance. Methodologically, the peasant leadership, professors of the IEFS and the PhD Antero Benedito da Silva of the National University of Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) granted interviews to this research. Bibliographical research was conducted on themes such as the history of education in East Timor (GUNN, 2007; SILVA, 2011, 2014) and Popular Education in East Timor (SILVA, 2008, 2014a; URBAN, 2016, 2017, 2019). It is important to highlight that the present author was a teacher of Brazilian cooperation in East Timor (Teacher Qualification Program and Portuguese Language Teaching – CAPES/UFSC) between 2013 and 2015. He also served as a professor at the Institute of Economy Fulidaidai-Slulu (Rural school idealized by the Ermera Farmers Union social movement), as part of the doctoral research conducted from 2017 to 2018.

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